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Covid-19 and Earthquake emergency response in West Sulawesi by KUN Humanity System +



At KUN Humanity System+, we are deeply committed to improving public health through strategic initiatives that target both immediate and long-term health challenges. Our comprehensive approach includes emergency medical assistance during crises like COVID-19, capacity building in remote areas, and mental health support for healthcare workers, ensuring communities across Indonesia are healthier and more resilient.

Emergency Medical Assistance


To provide life-saving medical and psychological support to COVID-19 patients and at-risk populations across Indonesia.


  • Capacity Building for Health Workers in Remote Areas: Enhancing the skills and resources of healthcare providers in isolated regions to effectively handle pandemic-related challenges.

  • Infection Prevention Control Training: Implementing rigorous training programs in hospitals and primary healthcare settings to prevent the spread of the virus.

  • Support for Health Facilities: Offering critical support to health facilities in KUN's operational areas, ensuring they are equipped to manage COVID-19 patients.

  • Emergency Response Post-Earthquake in Mamuju, Sulawesi: Rapid deployment of resources and support to health facilities affected by natural disasters during the pandemic.

  • Teleconsultations: Utilizing digital platforms to provide medical consultations to those in self-isolation or in locations without access to traditional healthcare services.

  • Distribution of Medical Supplies: Supplying essential medical items to detect and manage early complications in vulnerable populations.


Our targeted interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic have significantly reduced mortality rates and enhanced the ability of communities to manage health crises, reaching thousands in need across Indonesia.

Covid-19 and Earthquake emergency response in West Sulawesi by KUN Humanity System +

Mental Health for Health Workers 


To bolster the resilience and mental health of healthcare professionals during and beyond the challenges of medical crises.


  • Training Implementation: Conducted extensive mental health and resilience training over 2,000 healthcare workers across key districts and major hospitals, including Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung.

  • Module Adaptation and Dissemination: Customized and disseminated mental health training materials tailored to the specific stressors faced by health workers.


Enhanced mental health support across the healthcare community, with improved resilience and reduced burnout among participants.

Mental Health and resilience for healthcare workers in West java-Indonesia during Covid-19 Pandemic training for trainer by KUN Humanity System +

Wilderness First Aid Training



To enhance emergency response capabilities in mountainous regions, KUN Humanity System+ has implemented wilderness first aid training for over 300 mountain porters.

To prepare remote area communities, especially mountain porters, to effectively handle accidents and emergencies in challenging terrains.

  • Training Locations: Conducted in key mountainous regions across Sumatera (Leuser Mt, Kerinci Mt), Java (Gede Pangrango Mt, Manglayang Mt, Semeru Mt), and Lombok (Rinjani Mt).

  • Skill Development: Porters and volunteers are trained in emergency first aid, risk assessment, and evacuation procedures.


Significantly improved emergency preparedness and response capabilities, enhancing safety for both trekkers and local communities.

Wilderness first aid training for mountain community by KUN Humanity System +

Mental Health Awareness and Psychological First Aid



Addresses mental health needs by providing support, resources, and training to those affected by mental health issues.

  • Training for Volunteers: Over 300 volunteers trained in psychological first aid to support medical responses post-disaster.

  • Awareness Campaigns: Campaigns and workshops to destigmatize mental health issues and promote mental well-being.


Increased awareness and reduced stigma related to mental health, leading to better mental well-being of individuals across various communities.

Mental health psychosocial support training for volunteer KUN Humanity System +

Community Health Training 



This program focuses on training local health workers and volunteers to support sustainable healthcare practices within their communities.

  • Comprehensive Training: Includes basic healthcare, emergency response, and preventive health measures.

  • Empowerment: Equips local health workers with the knowledge and skills needed to manage community health needs independently.


Strengthened local healthcare systems, reduced dependency on external medical interventions, and improved overall community health.


Health Innitiative
DRR After Tsunami Banten
Banten Tsunami Recovery Program
PROGRAM KESEHATAN MENTAL DAN RESILIENSI Bagi Tenaga Kesehatan dalam Menghadapi Pandemi COVID-19

PROGRAM KESEHATAN MENTAL DAN RESILIENSI Bagi Tenaga Kesehatan dalam Menghadapi Pandemi COVID-19

Selama pandemi ini, kita menyaksikan petugas kesehatan, garda depan, dan responden pertama di seluruh dunia bekerja keras untuk menjaga kesehatan kita. Beban mereka berlipat ganda, banyak yang memiliki pengetahuan dan akses yang minimal terhadap dukungan kesehatan mental. Jawa Barat sebagai daerah pertama dengan kasus terkonvirmasi COVID-19, yang juga merupakan daerah penyangga ibu kota berada di peringkat ke dua terbesar kasus terkonfirmasi COVID-19 setelah Jakarta. Program ini merupakan program yang komprehensif, gabungan antara edukasi, pelayanan, dan juga peningkatan kapasitas dalam hal kesehatan mental untuk para tenaga kesehatan. KUN Humanity System+ (sebuah organisasi kesehatan dan kemanusiaan di Indonesia) berkolaborasi dengan Project Hope (sebuah organisasi kesehatan dan kemanusiaan internasional) telah mengembangkan modul Kesehatan Mental dan Resiliensi Bagi Tenaga Kesehatan Dalam Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19. Modul ini merupakan adaptasi dari modul pelatihan HERO-NY (Healing, Education, Resilience and Opportunity for New York Frontline Workforce) oleh NYC Health + Hospitals bersama berbagai stakeholder. Kami percaya bahwa dukungan kesehatan mental dan psikososial bagi tenaga kesehatan merupakan salah satu hal yang sangat penting dalam menjaga semangat dan ketahanan para tenaga kesehatan yang menangani pandemi Covid-19. Psychologist & MHPSS Expert KUN DIEN FAKHRI IQBAL Health Worker 1 dr. ANDDY HERYADI Health Worker 2 dr. WIDYA ASTUTI Producer PROJECT HOPE, TOM COTTER YOGI MAHENDRA RAWAN HAMADEH CHANDRA SEMBIRING MHPSS TEAM Dien Fakhri Iqbal Permata Andika R. Athhar Hadiyan S. Creative Supervisor ANGGI FRISCA I.C.S Wrtiter & Director AENI MAFTUHA & PERMATA ANDIKA R. Director Of Photography RIVAL DIAN ANDIKA Editor RIVAL DIAN ANDIKA Animator ACIL
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